Enhancing the capacity of EU projects to transform research results into innovative products and services (GA No 314455)

Logo of the project "TIPS"

Funding Source

European Commission – DG Research and Innovation


FP7 – “Transport”


October 2012 – September 2014 (24 months)

Total budget

1.205.586 €


Q-PLAN role




TIPS was a Support Action funded by the European Commission under the FP7-Transport programme aiming to strengthen and enhance the positive impact of RTD results of EU-funded projects in the field of Transport. To do so, TIPS targeted Transport project partners and assist them to transform their research results into innovative products and services, and eventually bridge the gap from research to innovation in the field of Transport. To achieve its objectives, the TIPS consortium:

  • Analysed the research framework of finished and on-going R&D projects with regards to exploitation of their results in order to identify obstacles and key issues of successful exploitation and develop best practice guidelines and innovation methodologies for different transport modes.
  • Created a community of experts in the field of transport covering all modes of transportation (“Advisory Board”) to support the early validation of the main project outcomes increasing their credibility (‘high-level consultants’), facilitate their wider possible diffusion (‘project ambassadors’) and eventually complement the project activities to strengthen the long-term innovation capacity of Europe in the field of transport (‘trainers’).
  • Organised a variety of networking and awareness raising events (workshops, brokerage events and info stands) to promote the exploitation of R&D results and bring research & industrial actors in the field of transport into direct contact.
  • Organised Training Academies to assist transport researchers develop sound action plans towards the market uptake of their innovative products and services through the elaboration of exploitation audits and personalised coaching.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Organization of projects networking and awareness creation events
  • Elaboration of exploitation audits leading to the development of the respective exploitation plans
  • Contribution to the analysis of the market potential of on-going EU-funded projects in the field of Transport
  • Development and operation of the project web portal and its tools
  • Support on the formation of the advisory board
  • Support in the development of the best practices and innovation methodologies
  • Support to the organisation of the Training Academies
  • Support in the dissemination campaign