Launching an Educational Scientific Journey on Natural Hazards and Disasters – Exploring Today’s Achievements, Future Challenges & Expectations with Respect to Forecast, Prevention and Mitigation (Ga No FP6-SAS6-CT-2003-509029)

Logo of the project "SHIELD"

Funding Source

European Commission


European Science Week initiative (ESW 2004)


January 2004 – December 2004 (12 months)

Total budget

244.340 €

Q-PLAN role

Project Coordinator



The SHIELD project “Launching an Educational Scientific Journey on Natural Hazards and Disasters – Exploring Today’s Achievements, Future Challenges & Expectations with Respect to Forecast, Prevention and Mitigation” was an EU-funded science communication project under the European Science Week initiative (ESW 2004). The project aimed to demonstrate, particularly to high-school students, the (often not clearly visible) contribution of science and technology on the confrontation of the natural hazards and disasters that occur around the European continent. By presenting in a vivid and interactive manner the struggle between technology and natural phenomena through the eye of science SHIELD project targeted to promote an increased scientific culture among young citizens of Europe and to highlight the importance of the European S&T research performed on the European Research Area. Today’s achievements versus challenges of tomorrow with respect to forecast, prevention and mitigation were disseminated through the project’s activities in 4 European countries during the European Science Week 2004.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Project Co-ordinator, Greek National Organiser
  • Project Co-ordination , administrative management
  • Detailed planning and organisation of overall information programme
  • Processing & production of campaign and exhibition material – overall subcontracting
  • Organisation and implementation of the national information programme in Greece
  • Support to the adaptation and popularisation of the scientific content
  • Dissemination activities