Strengthening the role that Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) have on the ERA Development (GA No 217154)

Logo of the project "PLATON PLUS"

Funding Source

European Commission – DG Research and Development


FP7 – “Social Sciences and Humanities”


January 2008 – June 2010 (30 months)

Total budget

1.320.753 €


Q-PLAN role

Project Coordinator



PLATONplus was a Support Action aiming to:

  • Communicate EU socio-economic research programmes results and assets to policy makers, Civil Society Organisations and to business communities across Europe, and
  • Demonstrate ways of collaboration and participation to EU SHH programmes and bring into contact socio-economic researchers and researchers from other disciplines.

The ultimate goal was to exploit horizontally the competences of European researchers in the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) field for the benefit of European research, achieving integration of the SSH research in the technology-oriented research under the 7th Framework Programme. The partners:

  • Examined, assessed and classified (mapped) SSH relevant EU research programmes and results that can potentially contribute to the further improvement – advancement of technology-oriented EU research programmes (e.g. FP7 ICT, Nanotech, biotech, agro-food, etc.).
  • Created a pool of SSH relevant projects and results (e.g. report, studies, methodologies, etc.) that could be applied in or be of value for FP7 technology-oriented research projects
  • ‘Popularized’ SSH relevant EU research programmes, results and topics by
    providing tangible examples; developing several policy-oriented publications; mapping SSH results & areas to facilitate ‘navigation’ of non-SSH users, making SSH integration more friendly to non SSH researchers; and organising Policy Dialogue meetings in all partners’ countries.

To increase the impact and added value of SSH-related research results, PLATON+:

  • examined and determined the role / contribution that SSH researchers can have throughout the lifecycle of a non-SSH research project;
  • supported actively the participation of SSH research organizations and researchers to non-SSH research projects and to SSH-related projects under non-SSH themes of FP7; and

engaged non-SSH experts & other organisations, such as SME groupings (i.e. associations, clusters, chambers, etc) more actively in the European SSH research.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Responsible for capacity building, training courses and policy dialogue events
  • Overall responsible for the organisation of European dissemination and policy-related events within the context of major international conferences
  • Development of the web-portal, partner search tools and a Database with targeted actors.
  • Responsible for the provision of 20 SSH Fact Sheets (analyzing 20 different SSH topics)
  • EU-funded technical assistance and institutional capacity building
  • Public promotion of EU programmes, dissemination and EU visibility of events.
  • Information and training on EU research programmes to more than 300 research organisations and SMEs (incl. preparation of material)
  • Organisation of major European Networking Events to facilitate networking participation to EU research programmes
  • Assistance in SSH and non-SSH proposal preparation for various EU and EU RTD programmes
  • Support, capacity building towards FP7 to key national RTD actors