PANDA aimed at developing a powerful framework of e-business services dedicated to serve and facilitate international e-collaborations and efficient operations of SMEs in the European ERP/CRM Industry.
PANDA’s outcome was an integrated prototype B2B web-platform dedicated to serve in a cost-efficient way international e-collaborations among actors (mainly SMEs) of the European ERP/CRM Industry. PANDA platform was:
- Adequately generic and able to serve (easily customised for) various types of ERP/CRM value chains of different characteristics regarding their organisational structure, procedures and roles;
- Automating the processes within ERP/CRM value chain operations such as: (i) Partners identification, negotiation and agreement, (ii) ERP consortia monitoring and management during ERP project implementation and (iii) ERP projects evaluation and assessment;
- Supporting the rapid on demand formation of dynamic multinational consortia of ERP/CRM value chain actors (per market or per project);
- Facilitating the management of interregional / international networks of ERP/CRM actors;
- Supporting the expansion / internationalisation of activities (particularly for ERP/CRM Vendors) in other European countries.
PANDA project targeted to bring substantial benefits to European ERP/CRM industry and its end-customers (enterprises of all business sectors). In particular:
- Speed up the integration process of ERP/CRM industry by facilitating and supporting the expansion of national ERP/CRM actors (mainly SMEs) in other EU-27 markets;
- Support local SMEs particularly in the New Member States and Accession and Candidate Countries (incl. Turkey) in expanding and developing their activities, by participating in flexible e-collaborations with other key local and international ERP/CRM actors.
- Automate procedures and increase the efficiency of the ERP/CRM value chain operations;
- Provide end customers of ERP/CRM systems with higher transparency on prices and services, additional options in ERP/CRM solutions and benefits arising from an increased competition in an integrated European ERP/CRM market;
PANDA project was implemented by a multidisciplinary consortium consisted of 12 key European academic and industrial partners from 9 countries.
Q-PLAN responsibilities
- Project Management and Coordination
- Requirements analysis plus European ERP Market watch.
- Process definition in international ERP value chains
- Elaboration of sector specific Service Level Agreements (Emphasis on business issues and Quality of Service)
- Elaboration of PANDA’s Quality Plan
- Participation in PANDA’s assessment (contribution to business metrics definition)
- Overall responsibility for Exploitation and Dissemination Activities
- Elaboration of PANDA’s Business Plan (towards commercialisation of PANDA services at European level)
- Preparation and update of PANDA’s plan for using and disseminating knowledge