Empowering innovation intermediaries to generate sustainable initiatives to incentivise and accelerate the commercialisation of space innovation (GA No 101004212)

Logo of the project "InnORBIT"

Funding Source

European Commission – Research Executive Agency


HORIZON EUROPE 2020 – “Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies - Space”


January 2021 – June 2023 (30 months)

Total budget

999.937,50 €

Q-PLAN role

Project Coordinator

Contact person(s)

Dr. Apostolos Tsolakis,



InnORBIT empowered innovation intermediaries (clusters, digital innovation hubs, SME associations, etc.) to set-up and run sustainable local initiatives for incentivising and supporting space innovation, assuming the role of space hubs within their innovation ecosystems. Focus was given on South-Eastern and Central-Eastern European countries with vibrant tech ecosystems and industry verticals with great potential for contributing to the commercialisation of space. InnORBIT supported over 50 start-ups and scale-ups to grow and commercialise their space solutions via 20 sustainable and effective initiatives.

More specifically, the partners of InnORBIT :

  • Mapped the targeted innovation ecosystems, framework conditions and opportunities.
  • Identified needs and challenges for supporting and taking up/growing space activities.
  • Co-designed and developed demand driven capacity building programmes for the innovation intermediaries and business support programmes for entrepreneurs, start-ups and scale-ups.
  • Developed a digital toolbox offering a suite of digital tools and services to provide pan-European access to InnORBIT’s ecosystems, stimulate traction for their activities and facilitate the work of their members.
  • Supported the generation of local initiatives for supporting start-ups and scale-ups growth via space innovation.
  • Developed business models and plans for safeguarding the sustainability of the initiatives generated.
  • Established synergies with complementary initiatives at EU level.
  • Ensured the proper dissemination of project activities, results, and lessons learnt, facilitating post-project exploitation and sustainability of the project.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Project management and coordination
  • Communication and dissemination management
  • Innovation management
  • Business modelling and planning
  • Overall responsible for the identification and analysis of the training needs the innovation intermediaries and the support needs of entrepreneurs, start-ups and scale-ups
  • Support the co-design of the InnORBIT’s business support and capacity building programmes
  • Development of the project’s exploitation and sustainability plan
  • Development of policy recommendations