
Data-driven tools for supporting and improving the decision-making processes of investors for financing innovative SMEs (GA No 821518)

Logo of the project "InnoRate"

Funding Source

European Commission – Directorate General Research & Innovation


HORIZON 2020 – ”Innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises”


January 2019 – December 2021 (36 months)

Total budget



Q-PLAN role

Project Coordinator

Contact person(s)

Mr. Dimitrios Daskalakis,



InnoRate deployed a trusted service platform across the EU to support and improve the decision-making processes of private investors, innovation intermediaries, and technology transfer offices (TTOs) for identifying and vetting innovative ventures with high growth potential. The InnoRate Technology Rating System (ITRS) of digital decision support tools provided through this service platform aimed at facilitating the commercialisation and scale-up of tech-driven innovations as well as at supporting the access-to-finance of tech-driven entrepreneurs, projects, start-ups and SMEs.

In fact, the ITRS was underpinned by a well-customised innovation assessment and rating methodology, taking advantage of the KOTEC Technology Rating System (KTRS) that has a track record of assessing over 200,000 cases and helping SMEs acquire more than EUR 75 billion in the Republic of Korea. Therefore, the project leaped forward in evaluating the technological and business potential and risks of high-potential innovations, going beyond the traditional credit-focused approaches. At the same time, InnoRate blended ICT with human expertise through deep-assessment services, where experts bring in the market and technology expertise required to evaluate more hard-to-grasp business aspects. In a nutshell, InnoRate can help:

  • Entrepreneurs, projects, start-ups and SMEs to: (i) commercialise and internationalise their innovations in EU markets through increased visibility and collaboration opportunities, (ii) quantify their innovation potential and their strengths, weaknesses and risks; (iii) benchmark their performance.
  • Private investors, innovation intermediaries and TTOs to: (i) assess innovators using a novel, fast and reliable assessment rating methodology; (ii) identify promising tech-driven ventures, (iii) gain insights about innovators’ ecosystem, (iv) monitor existing portfolios, (v) access to data for further analysis and (vi) reduce the costs and time of assessments.

The ITRS, along with its rating methodology and digital decision-support tools, was piloted in the context of investment readiness and matchmaking services offered by the project to interested stakeholders, covering a diverse set of use cases, ranging from investors scouting for and prioritising tech-driven SMEs with high-growth potential for financing, to innovation intermediaries assessing promising ventures for commercialising their innovations. After the piloting phase, the project  elaborated policy recommendations that can help stakeholders adopt the InnoRate’s results.

Ultimately, InnoRate’s vision was to disrupt the largely risk-averse financial sector of the EU, enhancing the innovation capacity of high growth technology sectors and paving the way for disruptive innovations to flourish. InnoRate helped bring innovation to finance and finance to innovation!

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Project management and coordination of the InnoRate consortium
  • Market research, analysis, and design of the InnoRate business models and deployment plan for the successful exploitation of the project’s results.
  • Design and management of the InnoRate Innovation and IPR Management Strategy, ensuring that all background and foreground intellectual property of the project is meticulously managed.
  • Elaboration of the overall operational plan that will guide the implementation of InnoRate’s pilot program along with an active role in the pilot activities of the project
  • Design, technical assistance, and validation of the InnoRate technology rating system and platform.
  • Design of the InnoRate data management plan and continuous management of the data collected, processed and/or generated through the project activities, ensuring compliance with the GDPR and FAIR provisions.
  • Coordination and establishment of synergies with relevant networks, initiatives, and projects, which aim to support the commercialisation of innovation, at an EU level.