ICT in LMI study

Developing Information Technologies and Labour Market Information in Lifelong Guidance study (Service Contract No 2015-0151/AO/DLE/PMDFON/ ICT_and_LMI_in_Guidance/ 010/15)

Logo of the project "ICT in LMI study"

Funding Source

CEDEFOP – European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training


January 2016 - October 2017 (22 months)

Total budget

549.700 €

Q-PLAN role

Lead Contractor



The aim of this study was to promote the development of a knowledge base and structured knowledge exchange in ICT and LMI usage in career guidance and counselling. In order to achieve this objective, several actions were taken:

  • Development of a comprehensive and accessible knowledge base of relevant practices and methodologies, which was made available to practitioners and managers in the shape of an interactive EU-level inventory.
  • Development of a handbook for structured knowledge exchange and transfer between countries concerning ICT and LMI practices in integrated lifelong guidance services.
  • Enabling structured exchange of good practices aimed at adaptation across distinct institutional and cultural environments.
  • Development of training modules/learning activities aimed at supporting national multipliers (practitioners and/or managers) in the development of transferable practitioners’ skills, competences and knowledge in ICT and LMI related areas.
  • Implementation of the LMI toolkits for practitioners and clients developed in the CEDOFOP’s study “LMI in lifelong guidance”, guaranteeing their adaptation to specific national/local contexts.

The methodology developed for implementing the above included among others literature review, inventorisation of practices and methods, field visits and interviews, case studies development, validation workshops and peer-learning events.

Q-PLAN led the consortium of the study that consists of the following partners: (i) Q-PLAN (project manager); (ii) Wes Research and Strategy; (iii) Empirica GmbH; and (iv) Aspire-i.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Project management and coordination
  • Implementation of field research, workshops and focus groups to study good practices and methodologies
  • Design, development and comparative analysis of good practice case studies
  • Validation of training modules and development of handbook to facilitate the transferability of good practices
  • Organisation of peer-learning events revolving around the thematic of ICT and LMI
  • Elaboration of study conclusions and policy recommendations