The Health2Market project focused on the Health/life sciences knowledge generators (i.e. researchers) who are involved in EU-funding initiatives, with the aim to commercialize their research results. The aim was to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset to health researchers by enhancing their innovation skills and knowledge. This way they become able to spot opportunities and form collaborations to address market trends.
In order to achieve its goals Health2Market provided a variety of training courses and personalized consulting:
- Topic specific seminars: Two-day innovation training at regional level
- Highly intensive academies: Week-long business planning of researchers own cases
- E-training courses: Diverse interactive training modules
- Advanced support and consultation
- Helpdesk: On-line support and advice
- Advanced ad-hoc consultation: Personalized, case-oriented consultation
All relevant innovation topics were examined during the project activities: IPR and asset management, new business creation and entrepreneurship, knowledge / technology transfer, etc.
In order to design the training curriculum, a high-level study of end user needs with continuous refinement processes and pilot-based optimization was engaged. Additionally, with a view to provide top quality training and constructive consultation, it employed a team of practitioners, namely researchers that have successfully transformed their results into business, as well as experts from the academia and business sector.
Q-PLAN responsibilities
1. Area responsible for South West Europe:
• Analysis of the market readiness and potential of Health/Life sciences researchers in the region
• Analysis of the information and support needs of Health/Life sciences researchers regarding the elaboration of business plans
• Face-to-face interviews and ‘exploitation audits’
• Support to the elaboration of 20 detailed business plans for 20 health researchers’ real life cases;
2. Dissemination and promotion management:
• Design of project’s dissemination and promotion material;
• Supervision of the development and operation of the project web portal and its tools;
3. Elaboration of post-project exploitation plan for project’s assets