High Added Value Soft Actions Facilitating Participation of NMS & ACC and INCO Organisations in FP7-IST through the Innovative Use of the Concept of “Grid Computing” (GA No 045069)

Logo of the project "HAGRID"

Funding Source

European Commission – DG INSFO


FP6 – “Information Society Technologies”


January 2007 – October 2008

Total budget

850.000 €



Q-PLAN role

Project Coordinator



HAGRID was a highly innovative FP6 European Project aiming at implementing new methodologies and tools which are expected to boost the participation of committed newcomers – beginners in FP7-IST and create a long lasting effect – well beyond the lifetime of the project. HAGRID mission was triple:

  • to enhance the capacity of European organisations and networks, which currently provide support and facilitate participation in the European Framework Programmes.
  • to multiply the impact of existing and future similar European Specific Support Actions by acting as facilitator,
  • to motivate and activate in FP7-IST European and INCO countries organisations that (can) have the capacity to successfully participate in FP7-IST, and

HAGRID provided an innovative Single Point of Access (SPOA) solution to newcomers and beginners in FP7-ICT. HAGRID achieved:

  • To exploit the potential synergies between the more than 20 actual and future EU-funded accompanying actions (SSAs) supporting participation in ICT research, for the benefit of European and INCO organisations interested in participating in FP7-IST.
  • To provide added value services tailored to the needs of any interested organisation.

To accomplish its aim HAGRID:

  • Provided a number of e-Services to European SMEs and research organisations
  • Optimised and deployed a set of Advanced Services (PR Research Profiles, Research Action Plans and Tailored Training Courses) to enhance the capacity of European SMEs & research organisations particularly from NMS and Turkey
  • Implemented a set of capacity reinforcement

HAGRID was elaborated within 21 months by a multidisciplinary consortium consisted of 14 European partners from 11 European countries (incl. Turkey) and paved the way to the creation of the new generation of similar SSAs under FP7.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Project Management and Coordination
  • WP Leader for: WP1 Project Management, WP3 Collaboration Activities with Similar Projects, WP4 Service Development, WP7 Service Provision and Service responsible for ‘Research Action Plans
  • Organisation of info-day / workshops / training courses
  • Responsible for the provision of project Advanced Services (Networking Plans (& PR Research Profiles), Research Action Plans, Training Courses) to organisations from the respective country (-ies)
  • Elaboration of the (i) specifications and operational functionalities of the project advanced e-services and tools (ii) initial specs / requirements for all services
  • Overall responsible for the communication and collaboration with similar projects
  • Elaboration of the final portal design and development of the main content of the website