Logo of the project "GREEN DRACHMA II"

Funding Source

European Commission – DG Environment




October 2004 – December 2006 (27 months)

Total budget

1.324.500 €

URL fuseaction=search.dspPage&n_proj_id=2783

Q-PLAN role




The GREEN DRACHMA II (GDII) project was a collaborative initiative of 8 Greek organizations. The project aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the tourist sector, food processing companies and farmers of Chalkidiki region through concerted actions, which will protect the environment and promote sustainable development of the region. Its ultimate aim was to facilitate the transition from a pure intensive / mass tourism model to a sustainable (mass) tourism model in the geographical area of Chalkidiki.

The project:

  • Promoted the implementation of the following Integrated Product Policy (IPP) tools: European Eco-label on tourist accommodation in hotels, EMAS and ISO 14001 in food processing companies, EUREP GAP and AGRO 2.1, 2.2. standards for integrated management in agriculture in farmers and agriculture cooperatives.
  • Mobilised and connected enterprises of the tourism sector with the local agro-food production and
  • Encouraged collaboration within the context of IPP between the above organi-zations and local authorities.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Preparation of presentations and production of information and training material.
  • Elaborate audit questionnaires, agenda and methodology.
  • Perform a comparative analysis of the selected IPP tools.
  • Select and define environmental performance indicators.
  • Define the contents, structure and size of the environmental analysis.
  • Perform a technology market search on Best Available Techniques (BAT’s) and Best Practices.
  • Develop the action plan methodology and specifications (content, structure, extent of analysis)
  • Elaborate the procedure for the implementation and monitoring of the individual action plans.
  • Perform the audits.
  • Write the environmental analysis reports.
  • Develop and finalise the individual action plans.
  • Agree on the implementation and monitoring procedure.
  • Monitoring progress and the implementation of the action plan (corrective and preventive action) against specific targets.
  • Elaborate benchmarking qualitative reports.

Also, participation in the: project management – reporting – monitoring, detailed planning & scheduling of project’s activities, execution of 3 info-days and 3 one-day workshops / seminars, definition and elaboration of reporting procedure, identification of complementary projects and establishment of communication, project review and final report, design and organisation of the Green Contest, execution of the Green Contest, international conference, execution of IPP conference in Crete, dissemination of project’s results, development of benchmarking self-assessment questionnaires, development of the methodology, contents and extent of analysis of the qualitative report.
