
Informing and educating young people on more sustainable behaviours and choices to build a future Generation informed and interested in Bioeconomy (GA No 101060501)

Logo of the project "GenB"

Funding Source

European Commission – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)


HORIZON.2.6 - Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment


November 2022 – April 2025 (30 months)

Total budget

1.999.762,50 €


Q-PLAN role

Project parter

Contact person(s)

Mrs Dimitra Kyriakopoulou, Miss Maya Gerotziafa,



GenB contributes to the implementation of the updated 2018 EU Bioeconomy Strategy, the European Green Deal priorities, the achievement of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 and the Sustainable Development Goals, involving: the most relevant awareness and education EU funded projects and initiatives (Transition2Bio, BIObec, AllThings.Biopro, WaysTUP!, BIOSWITCH, BLOOM, BIOVOICES, BIOWAYS, LIFT, Biobridges, BioCannDo, EuBioNet), European and International school networks and experts in socioeconomic science and humanities. Overall objective is to raise the Generation Bioeconomy, aware, sensitive and interested on environmental issues, sustainability and circularity.

In this framework GenB will:

  • Co-create innovative approaches in cooperation with young people, parents, teachers and other formal and non-formal education professionals, to provide formats, materials and toolkits on bioeconomy and bio-based sectors through social innovation (Common Ground Camp, Focus Groups and Living Labs);
  • Inspire & inform young people, raising their awareness on sustainable and circular bioeconomy and bio-based sectors, including the promotion of bioeconomy careers;
  • Educate young people to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable and circular behaviours and lifestyles, teachers in teaching environmental issues and other multipliers to promote the bioeconomy to their target audiences;
  • Engage and Empower Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors (GenB Ambassadors), the frontrunners in driving the change by attracting and influencing other young people;
  • Support them to Take a role creating opportunities to make their ‘voices’ heard and assume their role in the transition.

To maximise its impacts and ensure exploitation, replicability and sustainability GenB will widely communicate and engage the society, create synergies with other projects and initiatives, consolidate the GenB education model and produce policy recommendations targeting Ministries of Education and other policy makers.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Innovation Management
  • Organisation of thematic online debates to involve European Youth forum in the transition to a circular and sustainable bioeconomy
  • Implementation of bioeconomy communication and education activities in Greece