Flagship advanced solutions for Condition and Health monitoring In Power electronics (GA No 101172794)

Logo of the project "FLAGCHIP"

Funding Source

European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency




September 2024 – February 2028 (42 months)

Total budget

3 989 562.75 €

Q-PLAN role


Contact person(s)

Mrs Christina Balla, balla@qplan-intl.gr



FLAGCHIP is a 42-month Horizon Research and Innovation Action funded by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) under the Horizon Europe Programme (2021-2027).

The project is implemented by a competitive consortium of 11 partners, from 8 different countries (Spain, Norway, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Greece, Cyprus and Switzerland), with a strong research group collaborating with key stakeholders that include industrial players such as manufacturers, research-based companies and business development firms. It will validate wide band-gap (WBG) and ultra wide band-gap (UWBG) semiconductor technologies and their integration into more compact and cost-effective power modules, combining these developments with upgraded condition and health monitoring of power electronic components.

FLAGCHIP’s approaches will be demonstrated through AC/DC and DC/DC applications at two pilot sites in France (DC/DC MVDC Converter) and Norway (AC/DC Offshore Wind Turbine and Substation Converter architecture).

As a result, the project will enhance the efficiency of Power Electronics components, facilitating the creation of a new generation of inverters, converters, and other power equipment for the energy sector.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Dissemination Manager
  • Exploitation Manager
  • Business modelling and planning
  • Leading the forging of synergies with other projects and initiatives