
Study on measuring the contribution of higher education to innovation capacity in the EU (Service Contract No EAC-20140528)

Logo of the project "EUnivation"

Funding Source

European Commission – DG Education and Culture


December 2014 – November 2016 (24 months)

Total budget

396.006 €

Q-PLAN role

Lead Contractor



Q-PLAN coordinated the “Study on measuring the contribution of higher education to innovation capacity in the EU” – N° EAC/10/2014, the basic objective of which was to develop a stronger evidence of the contribution of higher education systems to innovation capacity. The study aimed at developing a prototype set of indicators designed to measure the contribution of higher education to the innovation capabilities of the economy. It started with a literature review and an assessment of the existing methodologies and indicators already in place. The study continued with the collection of information on existing indicators and on the needs for new indicators and methods. It concluded with the development of a prototype set of indicators and a feasibility study on this set of indicators.

Q-PLAN led the consortium of the study that consists of the following partners: (i) Q-PLAN INTERNATIONAL; (ii) MIoIR, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester; (iii) CHEPS, the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies, University of Twente; (iv) LaSapienza, University of Rome; and (v) INGENIO-CSIC, Institute management innovation and knowledge, Polytechnical University of Valencia.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Project management and coordination
  • Implementation of field visits with interviews and focus groups to assess and develop new indicators
  • Design and implementation of feasibility survey and study for the pool of novel indicators
  • Elaboration of study conclusions and policy recommendations