Framework Contract on Foresight in Science, Technology, Research and Innovation Policy

Impact Assessments, Evaluations, foresight and Strategic Analyses of Research and Innovation policies and programmes. Framework contract divided in 3 lots (Contract No 2018/RTD/A2/OP/PF-07001-2018)

Logo of the project "Framework Contract on Foresight in Science, Technology, Research and Innovation Policy"

Funding Source

European Commission – DG Research and Innovation


October 2018 – September 2022 (48 months)

Total budget

8,230,000 €

Q-PLAN role




To address the need for quick inputs to policymaking, drawing on the best available foresight knowledge, this framework contract involved the setting up a flexible ‘Foresight-On-Demand’ (FOD) mechanism. FOD aimed at offering timely and effective support relating to emerging challenges and other policy needs that may require rapid inputs from foresight in science, technology, research and innovation policy.

With the above in mind, during the whole duration of this framework contract, our partnership set out to:

  • Scan and synthesise foresight literature and data sources to get an in-depth overview of the current state-of-the-art and possible future scenarios already published;
  • Build forward looking scenarios as a method of describing alternative futures and make visible multiple possible policy pathways.
  • Combine the aforementioned actions so as to produce valuable policy recommendations.

The consortium was led by EY.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

Q-PLAN through its relevant experts and relevant experiences in the field contributed in the achievement of the abovementioned objectives of the Framework Contract in cooperation with all partners involved.
