Framework contract on Green Growth and Circular Economy

Green Growth and Circular Economy – Supporting activities for stakeholder engagement, exchange of information and best practices (Contract No ENV.B.1/FRA/2018/0002)

Logo of the project "Framework contract on Green Growth and Circular Economy"

Funding Source

European Commission - DG Environment


November 2018 – November 2022 (48 months)

Total budget

8.000.000 €

Q-PLAN role




Reaching out to and mobilising a wide range of stakeholders including citizens, business, public authorities of all levels and academia is a big challenge that requires systematic and professional actions of experts, strong and trustful connections, and innovative and appealing approach in communication.

Aware of this challenge, the consortium participating in this Framework Contract aims to provide creative organisational, technical, communication, as well as analytical and thematic expert assistance to DG ENVIRONMENT in reinforcing existing and launching new tools and initiatives for engaging stakeholders and helping the Commission in reaching the Green Growth and Circular Economy policy objectives.

More specifically, the implementation of this Framework Contract aims to:

  • Actively engage European and non-European stakeholders in the development and implementation of proposed Green Growth and Circular Economy policies
  • Educate and train stakeholders as regards policies and legislation, and build understanding, support and acceptance for the proposed policies
  • Raise the Commission’s profile as a key player in Green Growth and Circular Economy on the international arena;
  • Advocate a resource-efficient society by raising awareness about environmental issues among the general public and encouraging citizens to take positive actions
  • Encourage stakeholders and opinion leaders to adopt and promote Circular Economy and Green Growth in their field of activity, namely through facilitating the exchange of best practices and by rewarding consistent efforts
  • The Framework Contract is led by Technopolis Brussels and compiles a team of experts both in communication and engagement as well as in Green Growth and Circular Economy.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

Q-PLAN through its relevant experts and relevant experiences in the field contributes in the achievement of the abovementioned objectives of the Framework Contract by collaborating closely with all partners involved.
