
New approaches for community-driven sustainable mobility innovations at neighbourhood and urban district level (GA No 723194)

Logo of the project "Cities-4-People"

Funding Source

European Commission – Innovation and Networks Executive Agency


HORIZON 2020 – “Smart, Green and Integrated Transport”


June 2017- November 2020 (42 months)

Total budget

3.999.937,50 €


Q-PLAN role




Cities-4-People implemented a pilot program running at five urban and peri-urban areas (Oxfordshire County in UK, Mitte Altona in Hamburg, Üsküdar in Istanbul, Budapest in Hungary and Trikala in Greece) where citizens, city authorities and innovation experts worked together as ‘communities’ to define the transport and mobility challenges and priorities that interest them, co-design ideas and concepts, put these concepts to the real test and then scale up those more potent. The project introduced a community driven People Oriented Transport and Mobility (POTM) framework, based on participatory, inclusive and transparent innovation processes with the aim to create better sustainable solutions for transport and mobility that will have a low ecological footprint, a sharing mentality and the potential to address real urban and peri-urban mobility challenges.

In particular, the partners:

  • Investigated and analysed the socio-economic context and the mobility challenges per partner city.
  • Encouraged, set up and supported the creation of open communities -Citizen Mobility Communities- of citizens, local authorities, researchers, designers, developers, entrepreneurs, students and artists etc.
  • Created and deployed pilot-specific Citizen Mobility Kits, which are suites of offline and online tools aiming at enhancing collaborative activities of the Mobility Communities and at supporting them in envisioning and realising ways to innovate.
  • Developed, tested and evaluated Sustainable Mobility Solutions in the five areas.
  • Developed concrete ‘Scale-up Strategies and Actions Plans’ per city΄.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Support the co-creation, development, implementation, piloting and scale-up of the Cities-4-People mobility interventions in the city of Trikala.
  • Overall responsible for the data collection and technical evaluation of the project’s piloting activities in the 5 European areas.
  • Promotion of the project’s activities and findings through its wide national and European networks.