Industry and Construction 4.0 have high expectations of AR technologies in terms of productivity gains and quality improvement. Unfortunately, the early-stage ARCloud implementations do not fully meet Industry and Construction 4.0 requirements and European players may face a lock-in situation if no sovereign solution is proposed to them. In this context, ARtwin aimed to provide the European Industry and Construction 4.0 with an Augmented Reality (AR) Cloud platform that meets their needs. The main idea behind the ARtwin platform was the real-time digital representation of the physical world, which ultimately will improve productivity as well as products’ quality in manufacturing and construction through the utilisation of Digital Twins and Building Information Modeling (BIM). Along these lines, the platform was deployed on a private distant or edge cloud, ensuring the privacy of information while also offering the following key services:
- A 3D map update service of large-scale production lines or construction sites
- Accurate and robust 3D registration of any AR device in large-scale and dynamic environments, allowing to present relevant information to workers at the right time and place
- Display of complex 3D augmentations on any AR device by remotely rendering them in the cloud with ultra-low latency
- Continuous real-time maintenance of the Digital Twin and Building Information Modelling (BIM) processes based on vision sensors available in the factory or in construction sites
The ARtwin platform and services were tested and validated in operational environments through two use cases in Industry 4.0 and a use case in Construction 4.0. Moreover, the project’s results were communicated with standardisation bodies to promote an ecosystem comprised of a diverse range of solution providers (small players, academics, etc.).
Q-PLAN responsibilities
- Project management and coordination of the ARtwin consortium
- Communication and dissemination management
- Market research, analysis of the ARtwin business context and development of the ARtwin business model and business plan
- Design and management of the ARtwin Innovation and IPR Management Strategy, ensuring that all background and foreground intellectual property of the project is meticulously managed
- Design and elaboration of ARtwin’s exploitation and sustainability plan
- Design of the ARtwin data management plan and continuous management of the data collected, processed and/or generated through the project activities, ensuring compliance with the GDPR and FAIR provisions
- Coordination of synergies with relevant initiatives and actions
- Coordination with relevant Standardisation Bodies focused on Augmented Reality systems