Mobilizing European Communities of Practice in bio-based systems for better governance and skills development networks in bioeconomy” (BioGov.Net) project kick-off meeting

13-14.06.2022 Civitta, Tartu office (Estonia) & online
Q-Plan International participated in the hybrid kick-off meeting which took place in the context of BioGov.Net project on 13th & 14th of June. During the kick-off Meeting, Work Package & Task Leaders presented an overview of the project activities, putting special emphasis on activities that will be implemented in the first semester.
In its 36 months duration, BioGov.net, engages 10 experienced partners from eight European Countries (Estonia, Italy, the Netherlands, Greece, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Portugal and Germany). The project aims strategically to support the establishment of innovative governance models in bioeconomy to achieve better-informed decision-making processes, social engagement of all actors and uptake of sustainable innovations in bioeconomy.
With the specific objective to provide validated guidelines for bioeconomy training and mentoring, BioGov.Net undertakes activities that relate to:
- good practices and successful case studies identification, for novel training framework
- regional capacities & regional needs assessment,for bioeconomy boost and
- needs identification for skills required by the new business models for environmentally responsible behaviour
The methodology of the project ensures synergy of respective parties, transparency of actions and inclusiveness of all actors.
17/6/2022, Bachtse Ermioni