MARINEWIND Horizon Europe Project: Kick-off Meeting

Off we go! The MARINEWIND #HorizonEurope project successfully held its kick-off meeting in Rome, on the 14th of November 2022.
MARINEWIND is a 3-year Coordination and Support Action (CSA) running from November 2022 to October 2025, funded by the #CINEA under the Horizon Europe Green Research and Innovation Programme.
The project aspires to support investment of both private sector and public authorities in Floating Offshore Wind Technology #FOWT while accelerating their commercialisation and identifying critical environmental, societal support and solutions to techno-economic barriers to their wide deployment in various European geographical areas.
Q-Plan International participates as WP4 Leader (Development of MARINEWIND Tools), Exploitation Manager and Leader of the Greek Lab.
Special thanks to all the consortium partners for the effective collaboration during the kick-off meeting!