Mobilizing European Communities of Practice in bio-based systems for better governance and skills development networks in bioeconomy (GA No 101060742)

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Funding Source

European Commission


HORIZON EUROPE-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-08: Improving understanding of and engagement in bio-based systems with training and skills development


1 June 2022 – May 2025 (36 months)

Total budget



Q-PLAN role


Contact person(s)

Ms Dimitra Kyriakopoulou,


Description is a project that engages 10 experienced partners to mobilize local resources and stakeholders in eight EU states (Estonia, Italy, the Netherlands, Greece, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Portugal and Germany). The project aims strategically to support the establishment of innovative governance models in bioeconomy to achieve better-informed decision-making processes, social engagement of all actors and uptake of sustainable innovations in bioeconomy.

With the specific objective to provide validated guidelines for bioeconomy training and mentoring based on case studies from 8 EU regions, will:

– identify and assess the perspective good practices and successful case studies for novel training framework,

– complete an assessment based on regional capacities, opportunities, barriers and potentials;

– define regional needs and expectations, local feedstock availabilities and use, governance barriers, social and economic landscape.

– identify needs for skills required by the novel business models and related social measures to enable consumers, industry and public bodies to switch to socially and environmentally responsible behaviour within their spheres (e.g. regulatory measures, corporate responsibility initiatives, education and training).

Based on the collected materials, analysis and Quintuple Innovation Helix approach, the project develops guidelines for the setup of the modern and inclusive training and mentoring framework in specific European regions targeting the local bio-systems, regulators and policies for building the bridge between knowledge, skills, bioeconomy and good governance.

Q-PLAN responsibilities

  • Development of Exploitation Strategy
  • Set-up a local Innovation Group involving regional Innovation leaders of bioeconomy
  • Leader in methodology on how to set-up regional Networks, working as Communities of Practice, to actively engage local actors involved in adult learning, retraining and skills’ development, inclusion of bio-systems, policy makers and active communities
  • Leader in the development of 30 different job profiles related to bioeconomy, to present career paths and specific skills needed