SkillBill: A new Horizon Europe project kicked-off! Q-PLAN met the rest of consortium in Rome!
On September 15th 2022, Q-Plan International participated in the kick-off meeting of the Horizon Europe project titled SkillBill, which started in September 2022 and will last for 36 months.
The kick-off meeting was hosted by the project coordinator AZZERO CO2 SRL Company in Rome. During the meeting, all partners presented their involvement and responsibilities in the project and shared their ideas and ambitions for a successful implementation and achievement of specific project objectives.
The project aims to develop a large and strong foundation for the growth and acceleration of renewable energy’s deployment, thanks to engaging with stakeholders of the whole chain, diffusing scientific culture and skilling multi-level workers.
Q-Plan International leads the Stakeholder Joint Initiative Work Package, the setup, operation and coordination of working groups and the social impact monitoring.